About Us...

SteveWell.. this is going to be a more personal 'About Us' page than you probably expect. I'm Steve, I'm not some big company or faceless business, I'm a regular guy.

I got into the law of attraction through hypnosis and NLP many years ago, almost by accident. I did a few odd experiments on my clients and the results were too incredible to ignore.

Nothing I'd previously read about hypnosis could explain what I was experiencing so I decided it was about time to take the scientific blinkers of psychology off and explore the more spiritual side of trance.

I trained as a spiritual healer with the NFSH and found that I had a natural healing ability and was able to tune into peoples energy fields very easily. This lead me to explore more advanced healing techniques and I was attracted to the flower of life workshops run by Drunvalo Melchizedek. I completed the flower of life training and developed my Merkaba light body through regular meditation, during my training I was lucky enough to experience the presence of Master Kathumi and enjoyed some incredibly enlightening experiences that will stay with me for always.

I later went back to the Order of Melchizedek to study Magnified Healing and work with the subtle energies of Beloved Lady Quan Yin to transmute the negative energy that I was able to remove from my clients during magnified healing sessions.

Everything I studied or practiced seemed to be accelerating me along my life purpose. I am very aware that my purpose now, as a spiritual being having a human experience, is to help people master conscious living. My goal is to help as many people as possible to awaken to the creative powers of the subconscious mind. Everything I have studied and experienced has been an essential part of this process and I hope that my work in this field can contribute to the raising of consciousness of humanity en masse. My commitment is to the evolution of Christ consciousness and, for now, the way I am able to assist in achieving this most effectively is to live consciously and be a shinning light for others.

This is the reason I wrote Wishing Well and I hope that it will assist you in the actualisation of your dreams and the awakening of your life purpose at these essential times. We are on the brink of a huge awakening and as reality unfolds before us these are incredibly exiting times.


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